Safeguarding Policy

  1. The Parish Council take seriously its responsibilities to ensure that all members of the community are safe and protected.

This part of our website shows how we as a Parish Council fulfil our part in the discharge of our responsibilities. Click to view the Parish Council’s Safeguarding Policy.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, so we hope that the following information will help you know what to do and who to contact if you have any concern about the safety of any child, young person or adult in the parish.

It is always important that you share your concerns with a professional who will make sure that this is taken seriously and acted on.

Are you a member of the public and worried about a child?

If so, please contact: Worcestershire Children First

There is also the Stop it Now! Helpline (phone: 0808 1000 900) and their website It is a confidential Helpline for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse.

Are you worried about an adult who works with children?

If so, please contact: Worcestershire Children First

Are you affected by Domestic Abuse?

West Mercia Police 101 (Non-Emergency) 999 (Emergency) Worcestershire Domestic Abuse Service (DAS) and 24-hour Helpline 0800 980 3331 or

DAS is delivered in partnership by West Mercia Women’s Aid and Rooftop Housing Group. The service delivers free, confidential advice and support to female and male survivors, young people and children. The helpline deals with any queries from people who have or are experiencing domestic abuse, or from those who may be worried about someone experiencing it. It is the single point of access to services. You can call if you need a listening ear, advice, access to refuge accommodation, support, advocacy and/or someone to talk to. It also provides support, advice and guidance to professionals.

Worcestershire Forum Against Domestic Abuse has prepared an information pack which tells you where you can get help, advice and support if you, or someone you know, is experiencing domestic abuse. The pack is for anyone who is – or has been – in an abusive relationship. It also provides an essential source of information for professionals in supporting and working with victims. Contact 0800 980 3331 or

Are you worried about an adult who may be vulnerable to abuse or neglect?

If so here is how to report a safeguarding concern; if you have concerns that you, or someone that you know, is being abused or neglected; it needs to be reported to Worcestershire County Council’s Safeguarding Team but remember, if you believe a crime has been committed call the police on 999. If you need an urgent response please call using the ATIS (Access, Triage and Intervention Service) 01905 768053. Please note that the Worcestershire County Council Safeguarding Team is not the same organisation as the Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults.

Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery

Modern day slavery is any form of forced human exploitation for labour or service, such as human trafficking and forced labour.

This can include debt bondage, where a person is forced to work for free to pay off a debt, child slavery, forced marriage, domestic servitude and forced labour, where victims are made to work through violence and intimidation.

Modern Slavery is the term used within the UK and is defined within the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

These crimes include holding a person in a position of slavery, servitude forced or compulsory labour, or facilitating their travel with the intention of exploiting them soon after. Click for more information.