Broadwas Village Hall – Opening Following Covid 19 Lockdown

Arrangements have been put in place to make Broadwas Village Hall a “Covid Secure” venue.

This involves a number of facilities and procedures being in place which are published on the notice board in the Hall foyer and a set of ‘Supplementary Conditions of Hire’ which any potential hall user must read fully and satisfy themselves that they could comply with. Potential hirers must carry out a risk assessment of their proposed activity. Here is a sample risk assessment.

There are limits on numbers and some activities will still not be appropriate and potential users must enquire before making a booking. For the immediate future any booking will be accepted only on an individual basis. This is because Government guidance can change at any time and also because building work will be going on at the hall which may impact on availability.

Booking enquiries should be directed to Timesavers Concierge at – or – 01905 312456

For more information about hiring the Village Hall, click here for Covid 19 arrangements.

Village Hall Updates

Village Hall Extension update

Click here to see the proposed changes

Village Hall History

The land on which the Village Hall stands, prior to the 1970’s, accommodated a small building referred to as the Parish Room and was owned by the Church.

The Parish Room did not serve the needs of the village and in 1971 it was sold to the Parish Council for £10. A project was then established to raise the capital to build a new Village Hall. Supported by public subscription and Malvern Hills District Council the existing building was built. Additional land to provide for the car park and garden was donated by the then owner of Ivy House Farm of which that land was originally part.

The management structure of the Hall was established within the transfer deed which was drawn up at the time of hand over from the Worcester Diocese to the Parish Council. This creates two Trustee bodies. The Parish Council as the ‘Custodian Trustee’ and a management committee is created as the ‘Managing Trustee’. The structure of the management committee and rules for its operation were established in the transfer deed which also maintains the status of the Village Hall as a charity registered with the Charities Commission with which the committee members are registered as trustees.

Various improvements have been made over the years such as disabled toilet, fitted kitchen, replacement heating, loft and cavity wall insulation and car park resurface all of which have been supported financially by the Parish Council.

In 2014 the services of Timesavers Concierge were engaged which, while requiring an ongoing financial investment has been successful. They have established a Village Hall section within their web site and set up an on line diary and booking system. Along with a great deal of work by members of the committee and volunteers a part time cleaner and gardening contractor help to keep the hall and surroundings in good condition.

It is the current committee’s intention to ‘grow’ the business of the Village Hall and they are keen to encourage new events and activities and greater inclusion of neighbouring communities. To improve the facilities still further plans have been drawn up for extension of the Hall to increase the length of the main room, provide a storeroom and an additional small meeting room. It is hoped that this work will be carried out during 2020.

-Geoff Winkworth

Village Hall Committee / Trustees

  • Geoff Winkworth, Chairman, representing Broadwas Sports Association (BSA)
  • Sharon Downes, Secretary / Treasurer
  • Yvonne Hayward
  • Sarah Turley
  • Keith Brooks, representing Broadwas & Cotheridge Parish Council
  • Heather Dale, representing the Women’s Institute (WI)
  • Helen Walker, representing the Parochial Church Council (PCC)
  • Mandy Parkes, representing Broadwas Junior School